Consultation Draft Document

July 2024


Equalities Statement

Bolsover District Council is committed to equalities as an employer and when delivering the services it provides to all sections of the community.
The council believes that no person should be treated unfairly and is committed to eliminating all forms of discrimination, advancing equality and fostering good relations between all groups in society.

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  • Email: [email protected]
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1) Introduction

⦁ Background
⦁ Purpose of this document
⦁ How has it been prepared?

2) Policy Framework for the Creswell Growth Plan

⦁ Vision Bolsover
⦁ Local Plan for Bolsover District
⦁ National Planning Policy Framework
⦁ National Planning Practice Guidance

3) Consultation findings to date

⦁ Initial Consultation: Community Views on Creswell
Second Consultation: Community Views on Growth
Feedback: Community Event

4) Growth Plan Options

⦁ Option A: Consolidation of already committed growth
⦁ Option B: Consolidation of already committed growth with additional employment growth
⦁ Option C: Additional housing and employment growth
⦁ Summary conclusion

5) Your Views

6) Next stages and the Growth Plan preparation timetable


P.1 This document has been prepared for the purposes of the consultation exercise on the Council’s Creswell Growth Plan Options.

P.2 This consultation exercise starts on Monday 8th July and runs through to Monday 19th August 2024. Comments on the contents of this consultation document need to be provided by 5pm on the 19th August 2024.

P.3 Use the PlaceBuilder Consultation Portal as this is the easiest and quickest way for you to make your comments.

Submitting your representation online via PlaceBuilder

Submitting your representation online is a quicker way of getting involved.

Your representation will already have your contact details filled in.
You will receive an instant confirmation email to give you a receipt so that you know your representation has been successfully delivered and that your comments will be considered.
Go to for more information.

(If you don’t yet have an account, you can set one up easily from this web address)

P.4 If you are unable to access the PlaceBuilder Consultation Portal, you will be able to email or post your comments to us.

1) Introduction 


1.1  Bolsover District Council resolved to commence the preparation of a Growth Plan for Creswell in February 2022.

1.2  Growth Plans are non-statutory planning documents that sit on top of the Local Plan for Bolsover District and direct where additional growth would be acceptable to the Council. The Council will adopt prepared Growth Plans as material considerations in the planning processes.

Purpose of this document 

1.3  The purpose of this document is to set out the potential Growth Plan Options so that the Council can hear the views of the community and other stakeholders before making its decision on the best approach to future growth in Creswell.

How has it been prepared? 
1.4  The Council is preparing the Creswell Growth Plan in accordance with its Local Development Scheme (2022) and it is consulted on in accordance with its Statement of Community Involvement.

1.5  The preparation of the Creswell Growth Plan started in April 2022 and has already undergone three stages of public engagement:
  • Initial Consultation June 2022: Community Views on Creswell. This consultation asked people living and working in Creswell what they thought about the village as a place to live and work in, and what they thought about the village centre and local environment.
  • Second Consultation January/February 2023: Community Views on Growth. This Masterplanning Consultation Exercise asked people what they thought growth in Creswell could look like and what land uses it should include.
  • Consultation Feedback 27th July 2023: Community Event. This Virtual Reality Balloon Ride event took forward the responses from the Masterplan consultation to illustrate the relationship between growth and infrastructure in Creswell.

1.6  The representations submitted from the two consultations have informed the contents of this document.