Help shape Northstowe's Employment Zone

Help shape Northstowe's Employment Zone

About this project

Northstowe is a sustainable new development near Cambridge, where modern amenities are planned in an area rich in local history.

Imagine having a say in 9.5 acres of brand-new, prime Employment Zone land. Well, this project is your chance to do just that. Have your say in shaping the future design and amenities of the brand-new Employment Zone at Northstowe. Northstowe is a sustainable new development close to Cambridge, where modern amenities are planned in an area rich in local history. The town has a strong sense of community and an identity that is entirely unique, where health and wellbeing are promoted. At Northstowe you’re never far from nature and yet only 20 minutes from Cambridge City.

Your responses to this digital consultation will help us to understand business needs and aspirations for an Employment Zone, and they will influence the final design for the area. We also want to understand the appetite for a new Employment Zone, help us to understand what your business wants from this new zone. Get involved in shaping the future of Cambridgeshire's new town, and help us create a thriving business community, to ensure Northstowe's competitive advantage, sustainable growth, and prosperous future.