2) Policy Framework for the Shirebrook Growth Plan

Initial Consultation Exercise 

2.1  Vision Bolsover is the Council’s corporate prospectus and sets out its Vision to become a dynamic, self-sufficient and flexible Council that delivers excellent services, whilst adapting to local aspirations and acting as the economic and environmental driver for Bolsover District.

2.2  In relation to the Economy strand, Vision Bolsover sets out that the Council’s priorities include:  

  • Working with partners to support enterprise, innovation, jobs and skills; 
  • Unlocking Development Potential: unlocking the capacity of major employment sites; 
  • Enabling Housing Growth: increasing the supply, quality and range of housing to meet the needs of the growing population and support economic growth; 
  • Promoting the District and working with partners to increase tourism. 

    2.3  In relation to the Environment strand, Vision Bolsover sets out that the Council’s priorities include:  

    • Reducing our carbon footprint whilst supporting and encouraging residents and businesses to do the same; 
    • Enhancing biodiversity and developing attractive neighbourhoods that residents feel proud of and take responsibility for; 
    • Actively engaging with partners to benefit our communities. 

    Local Plan for Bolsover District

    2.4  The Local Plan for Bolsover District was adopted by the Council in March 2020 and is an ambitious document which actively tackles the issues we face today in seeking to achieve sustainable growth.

    2.5  It is underpinned by sound evidence and a spatial strategy that retains the District’s distinctive identity whilst providing the growth that is needed for the District to prosper and flourish. This means that it plans for the right amount and type of homes to meet our needs, in the right places with the right infrastructure in place to support all residents and businesses going forward.

    2.6  The Local Plan for Bolsover District classifies Shirebrook as a Small Town and in recognition of its place as one the District’s more sustainable settlements, the Local Plan establishes Shirebrook, together with the Small Town of Bolsover and the Emerging Towns of South Normanton and Clowne, at the top of the District’s spatial hierarchy.

    2.7  As such, the Local Plan for Bolsover District states that to achieve sustainable development it will direct development and service provision to these settlements. Based on this strategy, the Local Plan for Bolsover District allocates approximately 800 new dwellings and 11 hectares of new employment land to Shirebrook through to 2033 and this amount of development is to be predominately accommodated at sites on the southern side of Shirebrook at Brookvale and Brook Park, although the employment land has since been built out.

    2.8  Any additional growth supported through this Growth Plan would be on top of that allocated in the Local Plan for Bolsover District. It may also be contrary to the Local Plan for Bolsover District. If the Growth Plan is adopted by the Council it will be a material consideration taken into account in the determination of future planning applications.

    National Planning Policy Framework

    2.9  The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was first published in March 2012 but has been updated several times since. The latest version was published in December 2023 and sets out the Government’s policies for England and how these should be applied. It provides a framework within which locally-prepared plans can provide for sufficient housing and other development in a sustainable manner, so significantly boosting the supply of housing and helping to build a strong and competitive economy.

    2.10  Crucially, the NPPF states that there are three overarching objectives to achieving sustainable development, namely:

    • an economic objective - to help build a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right types is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth, innovation and improved productivity; and by identifying and coordinating the provision of infrastructure;  
    • a social objective - to support strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by ensuring that a sufficient number and range of homes can be provided to meet the needs of present and future generations; and by fostering well-designed, beautiful and safe spaces, with accessible services that reflect current and future needs and support communities’ health, social and cultural well being: and  
    • an environmental objective - to protect and enhance our natural, built and historic environment; including making effective use of land, improving biodiversity, using natural resources prudently, minimising waste and pollution, and mitigating and adapting to climate change, including moving to a low carbon economy. 

    National Planning Practice Guidance

    2.11  The National Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) provides guidance on a range of planning practice categories and helps explain how national policy should be implemented.