Newtown is changing

Tell us what you think of your neighbourhood streets and share your ideas and aspirations for the area

Newtown is changing

Tell us what you think of your neighbourhood streets and share your ideas and aspirations for the area

Why do we want your view?

It’s simple, really. Live and Move want to help make Newtown a place where you can connect with other people in your community and move around more easily. To find out how to make that happen, we need to hear from you!

We are working with Exeter City Council and Devon County Council to make it easier for people to walk and cycle in Newtown and to enjoy moving around safely. We're also interested in ways to reduce traffic and carbon emissions, as the city council’s Carbon Neutral 2030 plan is an ambitious undertaking that we feel we all need to play a part in.

What sort of things can you tell us?

We want to hear from you about how to make your streets safer, more pleasant, and increase ‘Active Travel’, which means making more short journeys (or parts of journeys) by foot or bicycle rather than car.

The online consultation will be carried out in two phases:

Phase 1 - 22nd March until 30th April An online “poll” which asks questions on walking, cycling, traffic, public transport and places to be active – you can choose which issues you would like to rate. You can also share your ideas and aspirations for Newtown in the comment boxes.

Phase 2 - Summer 2021 The feedback from phase 1 will inform a set of proposals looking at issues raised and potential solutions. This phase may include pop up trials so that we can monitor their impact, gather local opinion and assess whether to make any changes permanent. We expect this phase to take place in summer 2021.

Whatever you’d like to tell us and the council, let us know by clicking 'Start' below. ALL of the feedback and comments will be looked at and discussed.