Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When will Teignbridge District Council launch public consultations?

We will consult on significant decisions, being those which meet one or more of the criteria below:

  • Decisions which are likely to have a significant impact on a particular group of service users, residents or businesses
  • Where there is or is likely to be widespread public interest
  • When we have made a written commitment to do so or previously consulted

We will also run public consultations on Planning Policy Documents, in accordance with our Statement of Community Involvement

What are the Teignbridge consultation principles?

All our consultations are guided by our five consultation principles:

  • We will consult on key issues and proposals
  • We will consult in good time
  • We will be inclusive but within clear and appropriate limits
  • We will consult using clear, simple information

How can I keep up to date with the latest consultation?

The best way to hear from us about consultations and developments taking place in our district is to sign up to a newsletter at this site: Newsletter sign up - Teignbridge District Council. We have several newsletters for different audiences, including our residents' newsletter, business brief, and green spaces newsletter.

How can I get in touch with you?

You can contact us through our web form or phone us on 01626 361101, Monday - Thursday 8.30am - 5pm, Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm.