About the Teignbridge District Council Consultation Hub

This consultation hub is Teignbridge District Council’s platform for consultation and engagement with residents, partners and communities.

Why we consult

We are committed to consulting so that people who live and work in Teignbridge can have a say, influence and be assured that their views have been considered as part of the decision-making process. 

We will always try to gather people’s views on our proposals, policies and, when making any changes, to the services we deliver.

Our residents’ views on the services we provide are represented through locally elected Councillors and decisions are made in line with our constitution.

In the current public spending climate, we face extremely difficult decisions about the future of the services we provide, so need to take them with the public interest in mind. Before making these decisions, it is important we seek information and views from the public.

We will consider views expressed in responses to consultations, but these views must be weighed against other considerations to reach a balanced decision. This means that we can't necessarily commit to wishes expressed in response to a consultation as other factors such as legislation or available resources will also need to be considered.

Although we do not always need to hold a public consultation on all aspects of our work, we will consult on a proportionate and practical basis appropriate to the potential impact of proposed decisions. To help us get this right, we have adopted five consultation principles to inform when and how we will consult. These are underlying principles and complement any specific requirements that might already exist in law.