Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I share my views?

The best way to share your views is through the questionnaire on this website: this can becompleted in just five minutes but has space and opportunities for you to make comments on any part of our proposed strategy, or any other issues you would like to raise.

Will my feedback be confidential?

For this One Teignbridge consultation we are collect no mandatory personal details beyond your postcode – we are using this information to make sure that we are hearing from people across the district, in our towns, villages, rural and coastal communities. You can provide your name and email address if you would like us to respond to any comments you have made, or if you would like us to keep you updated as the project progresses, but your feedback will be kept confidential.

How long do I have to share my feedback?

This consultation will be open for a minimum of 6 weeks, starting from the 18th of September. If you would like to add comments after this date, please email [email protected]; feedback received after the strategy is put forward to the elected members for consideration will not be used to influence this proposed strategy, but will be shared with the appropriate council services.

How will my feedback be taken into consideration?

Our new proposed One Teignbridge council strategy has been written entirely following consultation with residents, businesses, our younger residents in schools, community leaders, and partner organisations across the district. We have also received invaluable support from TeignCVS who have been meeting with communities and groups we might not otherwise heard from. Any feedback you offer on our proposed strategy will be taken with the views of others we hear from and used to inform the changes we make before this proposed strategy is finalised.

When will I know the results of the consultation?

From late October onwards we will be reviewing what we have heard, and making any necessary changes to our strategy to ensure we are meeting the needs of our residents, businesses, community, voluntary and partner organisations across the district. This proposed strategy will then be voted upon by elected members at a meeting of the full council.

How and when will I know what decisions have been made?

If you would like to hear directly from us as this project progresses, you can provide us with your email via this online consultation form, or contact us directly at [email protected]. The finalised strategy, taking into account comments made via this consultation, will be published on our website at

I can’t use the technology; can I participate in another way?

Of course – you are welcome to send any feedback to [email protected], or call us on 01626 215900.

Will there be further opportunities to comment before plans are finalised?

The draft strategy as proposed here will be amended following comments received before it is taken to the elected members at a meeting of the full council. At this (and every) meeting of the full council, there is an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions if they wish.

What are the next steps?

From late October onwards we will be reviewing what we have heard, and making any necessary changes to our draft strategy to ensure we are meeting the needs of our residents, businesses, community, voluntary and partner organisations across the district. This proposed strategy will then be voted upon by elected members at a meeting of the full council. If this is approved at the meeting the finalised strategy, taking into account comments made via this consultation, will be published on our website at